Going to non-Muslims for help with black magic

Q: I have a question regarding the permissibility of going to a non-muslim person for help with a spiritual matter. My sister has a sihr problem and I contacted an Aamil to see to her and AlhamduLillah she was doing his treatment and there was slight progress. It was taking some time but she was improving very slowly. My mother decided that this was not good enough and she told my sister's husband that she will get another "moulana" to treat my sister. On the day that the so called Moulana was supposed to see my sister, I got a call from my sister who was hysterical and she told me that a coloured man by the name of Peter was brought to her house by my mother and that he wanted to treat her to which she refused. I then asked my sister to hand the phone over to Peter but my mother grabbed the phone and told me his name was Zubair and he is a Muslim. I asked to speak to him and asked him a few questions regarding Deen. He did not know the Kalima and even the name of the Last Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Thereafter he admitted he is not a Muslim and he was just trying to help. I told him to please leave my sisters house right away and that we cannot accept any help from him. He left but what happened afterwards is what concerns me. My mother and father have stopped talking to me and even refuse to take my calls. I explained to my parents that we could lose our Imaan by seeking help from the kuffaar regarding spiritual matters and I even came across a Hadith which stated that " Anyone who seeks help from a source other than which was revealed to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), Our Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) will not recognise that person on the day of Qiyaamah". My brother in law who was present there on that day also told me that this person used the name Mother Mary and he claimed to have found some sihr item in their kitchen but the Aamil told us that the item was placed there. Our family is now torn apart by this incident. My brothers and brother in-law stand with me in this matter and my parents refuse to talk to either of us. We had a confrontation regarding this matter yesterday and it did not end well. My mother told us to not attend hers or my Fathers Janaza. Could Mufti Saheb please shed some light on this matter because my parents are convinced that they did nothing wrong.

A: You have acted right. Remain firm. May Allah Ta`ala help you. Don't be worried about people being turned away from you. However, be kind and compassionate towards your parents. Make du`aa for them that Allah Ta`ala allows them to see things correctly.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
